EpocCam הופך את iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch לתוך High Definition PC מצלמת אינטרנט תואמת
סקייפ, Windows Live Messenger, YouTube ויישומים רבים אחרים.EpocCam עכשיו תומך בהקלטת אודיו, מה שהופך את הטלפון שלך. CD-איכות המיקרופון האלחוטי.
תוכנה זו קיבלה פרס 1
תוכנה זו נבדקה ע"י תוכנת אנטי-וירוס ונמצאה נקייה מוירוסים. לחץ כאן כדי לראות דו"ח אנטי-וירוס.
3.8 MB
Took a bit of a risky download to snag this, but this works. I have a really old version of EpocCam HD from before Elgato took it over, back when it was by Kinoni, installed on a really old iPhone I still have. I wanted to use this old iPhone as a webcam instead of get rid of it since I like keeping old tech. I downloaded this on my Windows 11 machine and it works perfectly syncing up with that old iPhone app, no issues whatsoever. I even run it right next to the newer modern Elgato Camera Hub that replaced this tool, syncing to a newer modern iPhone and they work together side by side no issues.Of course, please exercise caution while downloading things off the internet - anecdotally I think this download is fine and nothing bad has happened to me from doing so, but do remember to always practice caution.
I waited for something this easy for a long time. These reviews about these apps are right...the part that is the best part is the set up, no complaints from me